Certifications & quality

Since 2018, LAFARA has been commited to a continuous improvement process by following the recommandations of the international standard ISO/CEI-17025. A quality management system (QMS) has been developped, making it possible to optimise the operation of the laboratory and improve our standards of reliability, traceability, impartiality and confidentiality.

Since 2020, LAFARA has been certified by the french Nuclear Safety Authority (Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire – ASN). ASN approvals are strong recognition of the laboratory’s know-how and the quality of the measurements carried out there.

These certifications attest to:

  1. The proper implementation of the requirements of ISO/CEI-17025 (v.2017) norm, including continuous improvement initiatives.
  2. Participation and success to the inter-laboratory comparison exercises (ILE) organised by the french Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire – IRSN).

Current certifications concern the measurement of radionuclides in the following matrixes:

1WaterRadium-226 & daughters1_1112/31/2024
1WaterRadium-228 & daughters1_1212/31/2024
2Soil & sedimentGamma emitters > 100 keV2_0106/30/2021
2Soil & sedimentGamma emitters < 100 keV2_0206/30/2021
2Soil & sedimentRadium-226 & daughters2_1106/30/2025
2Soil & sedimentRadium-228 & daughters2_1206/30/2025
2Soil & sedimentUranium-2382_1706/30/2025
5GasGamma emitters > 100 keV5_0206/30/2022
5GasGamma emitters < 100 keV5_0206/30/2022

For more details abouts ASN certifications, please check ASN website (English version available).
